Saturday, January 15, 2011

Funny Incidents of 2010 in Pakistan Politics, Sports and Media

Year 2010 has ended with mixed feelings of fun and sorrows. People of Pakistan faced a catastrophe of massive floods, an ongoing series of bomb blasts and a growing target killing in Karachi and Baluchistan. But despite all these sad aspects of the life of people of Pakistan, fun and enjoyment also often knocks on the door of people of Pakistan in may ways. The funny life style of politicians of Pakistan, their worth laughing attitude in both Parliament and outside Parliament, the strange but a witty attitude of cricketers of Pakistan and unsuccessful, face twisting efforts of our celebrities to speak English; bring a big echo of laughter every where.
Watch this video and see a few funny incidents of Pakistan that happened in the year 2010. These funny incidents are from the lives of some renowned politicians, sports and media celebrities. Watch and enjoy: