PTI is the only untested party in the current political sitemap of Pakistan and Imran Khan is the only political leader who has no allegations of corruption and even his opponents accept his credibility and his great philanthropist work. Imran Khan is the leader who has served this nation even before coming into power and instead of hollow slogans, Imran Khan gave the gift of Shokat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and NAMAL College to this nation. Another big reason that you should vote for PTI in coming election is the evidence from Wikileaks that Imran Khan is the only politician of Pakistan who speaks eye to eye with America and hasn't shown a dual face. One of the biggest motivation for people of Pakistan to vote for Imran Khan is his principle and consistent stand on War on Terror. What Imran Khan said about 10 years back is now accepted internationally and even the superpower power America is of the view that talks are the only way to deal with Taliban and militants. This was exactly what Imran Khan kept on saying for more than 10 years. Another big reason to vote for Imran Khan is his commitment to root out corruption and bring a just system where all people get their rights and where powerful elite has to pay taxes and this tax money has to be used for betterment of the masses. Imran Khan has categorically said that he will NAB all those political mafias who haven't declared their assets and whose assets are out of the country. If he manages to deal with the corruption, half of the problems of the country can be solved by this only.
Now the question that why should I Join PTI should be easy to understand by you given you have read all above. This is duty of every patriotic Pakistani to support Imran Khan for his noble cause of bringing a systematic change in Pakistan, to save Pakistan from looters and corrupt hypocrite politicians and to bring Pakistan a real Pakistan as per the dreams of Jinah and Iqbal. Every Pakistani should join this noble cause and should work under the brave and honest leadership of Imran Khan so that Pakistan gets a brave leadership, makes it's policies within the country and doesn't take dictation from USA and gets rid of IMF and other international loans.
How PTI is different from other parties? First thing is that Imran Khan has declared all his assets, he earned money outside but brought it back to Pakistan and so now he is supposed to live and die with Pakistan. Secondly, PTI is not a status quo party and hasn't begged for any support from bureaucracy or military establishment and is based solely on public support. That's the biggest reason that Imran Khan denied Prime ministership offer from General Musharraf as Imran Khan wants change of system and not just a change of faces.
So based on all arguments, it's high time for people of Pakistan to wake up and join hands with Imran khan to change Pakistan's fate and to bring a new system in Pakistan where justice prevails everywhere and no one is above the law.