Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Rana Sana Ullah and Maulana Ahmad Ludhyanvi Meeting and allegations on Rana Sana Ullah

In connection with Bye elections in PP-82 Jhang, a few days back Punjab Law minister Rana Sana Ullah visited Jhang and met Maulana Ahmad Ludhyanvi--Leader of Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (an organization banned by General Musharraf). Rana Sana Ullah met him to get his support for PML-N candidate but few parliamentarians and media persons starting a hue and cry over this meeting saying that Rana Sana Ullah has links with terrorist organization.
MNA from Jhang Sheikh Waqas Akram--a traditional rival of SSP in Jhang elections is leading this blame game and trying to gain some political scores over this issue. He is trying his best to give it sectarian touch and putting allegations on PML-N of supporting banned organizations for a few votes. Law minister has strongly rejected such allegations saying that he had a meeting with a Religious scholar and not a terrorist. He said that terrorists are found in jails and can't contest elections under law but Maulana Ludhyanvi contested last general election against Sheikh Waqas and got more than 45000 votes.
Talking to a TV channel, Molana Ludhyanvi said that the case of SSP is in process in LHC and it's illegal to declare a party as banned before court's decision. He said that his party has never supported terrorism. He also made it clear that if PML-Q can ask to Maulana Azam Tariq for his vote to elect Zafrullah Jamali as prime minister in 2002 then why PML-N can't ask them for vote?