Sunday, October 30, 2011

PTI Lahore Minar e Pakistan Jalsa--A great Success

Today on 30th October 2011, PTI has wrote a new history at Minar e Pakistan and the whole nation saw the winds of change, slogans of presperity, program of success and a hope for a new Pakistan. Hundreds of thousands of people gathered at Minar e Pakistan and vowed to join hands with Imran Khan's PTI to bring a change in Pakistan.
PTI jalsa on Minar e Pakistan became a great success and more than 500,000 people gathered at Minar e Pakistan to express their support for the great visionary leader Imran Khan. The participants were highly charged and they were chanting slogans, waving flags of PTI and Pakistan and showing their full support for PTI. According to analysts like Iftikhar Ahmad, Shafqat Mehmood and others, this successful jalsa of PTI in Lahore will start bring a new political atmosphere in the country and this jalsa has proved the popularity of Imran Khan. Unlike PML-N jalsa in Lahore where rented people were called and were void of any sentiments or charge, in PTI jalsa hundreds of thousands of people gathered from Lahore, other parts of Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan and KPK and proved that Imran Khan is the only hope left and that Imran Khan has wide support of masses in Pakistan.
Today, In Lahore Jalsa, Imran Khan's speech was historic. This was probably the best speech of Imran Khan I have ever heard. He didn't only highlighted the futile and dirty policies of current government but also gave a detailed and perfect plan of action to bring a real change in Pakistan. Imran Khan not only criticized but also suggested solutions. He touched all the core issues and talked about all major matters. He gave his solution for energy production, education emergency, employment opportunities generation, women empowerment, minorities rights, Baluchistan issue, war on terror, Kashmir issue and about relationship with China, USA and other countries of the world. 
Imran Khan has started the movement of revolution which has shaken the palace of Raewend and the lords of President house. Looters are now afraid that this bold man will put a hand on their looted assets and bring them to the justice. Now, they should know that the period of corruption's rule is going to over and public is going to rule with justice prevailing and dignity restored. Long live Imran Khan and long live Pakistan.

Watch the video of Imran Khan speech in Lahore Minar-e-Pakistan Jalsa: