Saturday, December 31, 2011

Is PTI going to make any alliance or deal with Pervez Musharraf?

Critics of PTI are of the view that Imran Khan holds a soft corner for former dictator Pervez Musharraf and there is a possibility of alliance between PTI and APML(All Pakistan Muslim League). However, PTI chairman Imran Khan has a very clear stance on it and he has reiterated on various occasions that any alliance with Musharraf is not possible as he has done some serious crimes which needs to be taken into the courts of justice.

 Yesterday, Khursheed Kasuri who recently joined PTI, met with Pervez Musharraf in Dubhai which made a big roar against PTI in print and electronic media saying that this may lead to any formal alliance/cooperation between the two parties. However, PTI leadership has made it clear that even if Kasuri met with Musharraf, it was in his personal capacity and not on behalf of party. Moreover, a show cause notice has been served to Khursheed Mahmood Kasuri for this meeting. According to reliable sources, Kasuri met with Musharraf just for a few minutes informally in a wedding and it was not a planned meeting at all.

Dr Arif Alvi who is secretary general of PTI has strongly reacted on such news and said that there is zero possibility of any deal with former dictator Musharraf and PTI is clear about it. In a press release issued by Dr. Arif Alvi, it's clearly stated that it was just an accidental meeting with no political motives.
pti press release about meeting of musharraf and khursheed kasuri

Javed Hashmi who joined PTI recently has also denied any possibility of alliance with Musharraf. He said that he talked to Imran Khan just a day back and Imran Khan has categorically denied any such possibility and called it a political suicide for his party to have alliances with any such criminals.