Saturday, December 3, 2011

Which party is better? PTI or PML-N?

PML-N Ruled two times but failed to implement their manifestoPTI Never came into power but served this nation in the form of Shokat Khanum Hospital and NAMAL college
PML-N leaders assets are outside Pakistan.PTI leader Imran Khan earned money outside Pakistan but brought money back in Pakistan.
PML-N is a family party where power in concentrated in Sharif's family.PTI is not a family party and Imran Khan has categorically said that only merit will prevail in PTI.
PML-N first opposed operation in Swat and Waziristan but later bowed their head and supported it.PTI is stick to its principle stand on warn on terror from day one and always opposed military actions in civilian's areas.
PML-N leader Siddi Al Farooq has accepted on media that PML-N is made by establishment.PTI believes on public support and 15 years struggle of PTI is solely based on public support.